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A Giving Heart Foundation

Nurturing a young brand with narrative, messaging and identity.

A Giving Heart Foundation was started by the Berk family after their newborn was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease, requiring balloon angioplasty at just one-month-old. CHD, they learned, was common – 1 in 100 kids are born with it. Yet 99% of the heart research funding was going to adults. To help balance that statistic, AGHF needed to develop their brand, expand their reach and awareness and inspire more support.

A Giving Heart Foundation Website Infogr
A Giving Heart Foundation Video Fundrais

We began by helping them define and prioritize their audiences, and worked with them using our Resonator Brand process. We developed a brand meaning with emotional resonance: AGHF exists to help CHD kids have the childhood they deserve.

This led to a Brand Narrative with key messages for priority audiences, media storylines, and a Brand Identity, one that stood out from the sea of red-hearted sameness they had found themselves in.

We brought this new messaging and identity to life on their website, in their social media spaces, and other donor communications, giving them a much-needed presence.

A Giving Heart Foundation Social Media M
A Giving Heart Foundation Social Media C

With these strong foundations in place, along with learnings from an initial social media “test and learn”AGHF is set up to grow their personal mission into a much bigger rallying cry.

A Giving Heart Foundation Website About
A Giving Heart Foundation Website Fundra
A Giving Heard Foundation Social Media.g
A Giving Heart Foundation Fundraising So
A Giving Heart Foundation Social Media A
A Giving Heart Foundation Video Title by

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